Tips for seniors over 50
Move an Online Relationship Offline

Tips for seniors over 50 - Move an Online Relationship Offline

Seniors over 50 who have met someone nice should be congratulated. Because all their frustration and loneliness can now become a thing of the past. A new budding relationship beckons and so it makes sense for seniors to find out how best to move an online relationship offline. After seniors are done writing to someone many times and after they have begun to show a newfound eagerness to meet the person face to face it makes sense to learn what steps and precautions need to be taken to make the transition safely.

Developing a crush

Seniors over 50 may find that their correspondence with a person they have found online has given rise to a crush. And that in turn has encouraged them to share intimate details of their lives with that someone special they found through an online dating site or app. Technology, no matter how advanced it is, is a poor substitute for a real face to face relationship. However, if you want to use online dating then it makes sense to try out the best dating sites for over 50.

Meeting over a cup of coffee

So, if you are a senior over 50 who wants to transition from online relationships to an offline relationship, then you may start by suggesting that the two of you meet over a cup of coffee. Let the other person know that you would like to explore a new café or a new coffee house. This is a simple yet effective method to move from online relationships to an offline one. All that seniors need to do after making this suggestion is wait for the other person to respond and then all that remains is to suggest a date when they can meet.

Ask for telephone number

Another way of moving an online relationship to an offline one is by asking the other person for his or her telephone number. In fact, if you are comfortable with it, why not provide your date with your telephone number and then ask them to contact you so that you can speak to each other. Also, if you are a woman who is trying to develop a relationship with a man, then give him a chance to show that he is a chivalrous person. Even though you are a senior over 50 who is dating in the twenty first century, you must stay true to yourself and encourage your date to take the first step.

Avoid long telephone conversations

And, when your date calls you up on the phone, be sure to remember not to stay on the phone for too long. Though it is tempting to talk long and intimately on the phone the right course of action is to get to know the person well before committing to a lasting relationship. Use of the phone gives seniors over 50 an excellent opportunity to set up a date. Also, you should let the other person know that you are happy that they have taken the initiative to speak to you.

Meet up with your date

Once you have spoken to the other person, the next step is making a real plan to meet with the other person. Chances are that the other person lives far from you. In such a case, it makes sense to exchange a small number of emails and a few brief phone calls later you can make a real plan to meet somewhere like in a public place. Be sure to let someone in your family or friend’s circle know where you are going for the meeting.


The bottom line is that it pays to keep in mind that talking to a date online and meeting him or her in the real world are two different experiences. If you want to find romance, then it makes sense to move from an online relationship to an offline one but do so at your own pace.



About the author of this guest article, Sue Su.

Sue, is a dating counselor and the founder of She has been working in online dating
business for more than 10 years.

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